






(質問者)Brett William Simpson
Okay. Let be just a follow-up. I wanted to ask about the recent U.S. restrictions around Huawei. Are you seeing any impact in this at all? I mean it
looks like while we’ve been shipping quite a lot of 4G devices recently. Have you been shipping components to Huawei? And if so, can you just
help with the impact of the latest restrictions on the business?

(クアルコム社・ライセンス担当者)Alexander H. Rogers – QUALCOMM Incorporated – President of Qualcomm Technology Licensing (QTL) & Global Affairs
Yes. So this is Alex. I’ll start, and then maybe Akash can fill in if he has anything further. So I don’t think it’s fair to characterize it as the latest restrictions on Huawei. What we’ve seen are news reports to the effect that commerce is considering not issuing new licenses to Huawei. And we haven’t heard anything from commerce itself. Qualcomm has a set of licenses that we’ve had for a while that basically allow us to ship 4G and other chipsets, including WiFi to Huawei. Those licenses where she becomes commerce reached the determination that they don’t affect national security issues.
Those will continue for some number of years. And so within the scope of those licenses, we don’t see an impact. Akash, anything else?

(クアルコム社・CFO)Akash Palkhiwala – QUALCOMM Incorporated – Chief Financial Officer
Nothing to add.


著者 オタク総研編集部

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